WL Scribble Flinger font

WL Scribble Flinger

Font name: WL Scribble Flinger

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: WL Scribble Flinger

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: SamuelGoldstein: WL Scribble Flinger: 2012

Full font name: WL Scribble Flinger

Version: Version 2.000

Postscript font name: WLScribbleFlinger

Manufacturer name: Samuel Goldstein

Designer: Samuel Goldstein


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


WL Scribble Flinger

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • WLScribbleFlingerWL Scribble FlingerTTF (833.5 Kb)
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger
WL Scribble Flinger

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Scribble Flinger v.2
Copyright © 2012, Samuel Goldstein / Writ Large Fonts

The Scribble Flinger font was created for an upcoming iOS
game, to be released sometime in early 2012.

This new version of the font includes some very cool OpenType
magic - if you enable contextual alternates, you will get a
spattered, smudged version of the font. These smudges are somewhat
dynamic, so if you type a word with repeating letters, you won’t
get the same smudge for each letter.

For instructions on how to enable contextual alternates in your
software, Google “enable opentype contextual alternates” along
with the name of the software you’re using.

Scribble Flinger is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Details at

You may use the font for personal, professional, and
commercial projects. If you create a derivative work for
distribution(e.g, a version of the font, Photoshop brushes,
wallpapers, etc), you must give attribution to Samuel
Goldstein and Writ Large Fonts.

If you make a fortune using the font in your advertising
campaign, you should consider sharing the wealth!

If you'd like to donate to help fund the creation of new
and exciting fonts, you can make a contribution through PayPal:
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id= 3NKK9J9FRWWHC


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