VTC Lo-Down font

VTC Lo-Down

Font name: VTC Lo-Down

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: VTC Lo-Down

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: V.T.C.VigilanteTypefaceCorporation,: VTC Lo-Down Regular: 1999

Full font name: VTC Lo-Down Regular

Version: 1999; 1.0, initial release

Postscript font name: VTCLo-Down

Trademark notice: VTC Lo-Down Regular is a trademark of the V.T.C. Vigilante Typeface Corporation,.

Designer: WolfBainX

Description: VTC Lo-Down Regular is a trademark of the V.T.C. Vigilante Typeface Corporation. DistroWare! Spread like the Plague!



  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • design.graffiti.vtclodownregularVTC Lo-DownTTF (27.5 Kb)
VTC Lo-Down
VTC Lo-Down
VTC Lo-Down
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