US-Bats font


Font name: US-Bats

Font style: Normal

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Basic font information

Font family: US-Bats

Font subfamily identification: Normal

Unique identifier: FInk:US-Bats

Full font name: US-Bats

Version: 1.0 Wed Dec 16 13:43:41 1992

Postscript font name: US-Bats

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Fonts Ink's US-Bats


Luckily there isn't much documentation needed to effectively use Fonts
Ink's US-Bats font in Windows. In fact what documentation you need you
already have.

To activate TrueType fonts, copy them to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and
activate them via the Control Panel - Fonts menu.

Using these fonts within other systems will require installation as
outlined in the documentation of those systems.


US-Bats is Dingbats style symbol font that contains the black outline maps
of the 50 States, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and the Continental U.S.
along with some patriotic symbols.

These characters look good at point sizes down to 8 pts. The fine detail
comes through in sizes even over 72 pts.

The following key will facilitate use of the US-Bats.

0 Map of Continental U.S. with State outlines *
1 Black outline map of the Continental U.S.
2 U.S. flag **
3 American Bald Eagle
4 Abraham Lincoln portrait
5 Statue of Liberty
6 Fife and drum men **
7 U.S. flag shield
8 Liberty Bell *
9 Liberty Head

* Too complicated to view or print in some sizes
less than 72 pt.
** Too complicated to view in some sizes less than
72 pt.

A Alabama N Indiana a Nebraska n South Carolina
B Alaska O Iowa b Nevada o South Dakota
C Arizona P Kansas c New Hampshire p Tennessee
D Arkansas Q Kentucky d New Jersey q Texas
E California R Louisiana e New Mexico r Utah
F Colorado S Maine f New York s Vermont
G Connecticut T Maryland g North Carolina t Virginia
H Deleware U Massachusetts h North Dakota u Washington
I Florida V Michigan i Ohio v West Virginia
J Georgia W Minnesota j Oklahoma w Wisconsin
K Hawaii X Mississippi k Oregon x Wyoming
L Idaho Y Missouri l Pennsylvania y Washington D.C.
M Illinois Z Montana m Rhode Island z Puerto Rico
and the
Providence Plantations

The state maps are scaled to be a constant height (because you order fonts
by height - points). Because of this long, horizontal states such as
Tennessee take up a great deal of width and look effectively larger.
States such as New Hampshire and Vermonts which are normally thought of as
upright (except possibly by Massachusetts) appear small.

Note also that the state outlines are based on the normally-recognized
conic projection. Thus horizontal lines appear as slight arcs and the
northern border of California and the eastern border of Alaska appear
skewed. Even Wyoming isn't a square state (regardless of what Colorado
says). We found that the outlines are much more recognizable this way.


Thanks for trying out this Fonts Ink's set. We hope you like it. If
you have any comments or suggestions please contact Bob Ostrander at:

Fonts Ink division of
Software Co-op (317-856-6052)
5437 Honey Manor Dr,
Indianapolis, IN 46241 CIS: 76635,1670 Internet: [email protected]

This software is written and copyrighted (1992) by Bob Ostrander.


Registration of the Fonts Ink fonts gets you:

- The legal right to use all Fonts Ink fonts past the evaluation period.

- The LATEST version of complete set of Fonts Ink fonts.

- Free voice-line technical support.

- Online support via CompuServe and Internet.

You can register the entire Fonts Ink package by sending $20 to Software
Co-op using the invoice in LICENSE.DOC. Software Co-op also accepts credit
card payments on 317-856-6052.

Other Products (all included with registration)

Handcrafted in the best traditions of typography.
Offerings (as of the time of this release).

FIBox - Text in box sans-serif font.
FIBoxBB - White sans-serif text in a black box.
FIElite - Fixed-width font like Prestige Elite. Normal, Bold, Italic,
and Bold Italic.
FIKeys1 - KeyCaps representation of the "typable" keys.
FIKeys2 - KeyCaps accurate representations of the keyboard.
FIKeys3 - KeyCaps in a build-a-word-in-a-key format.
FILCD - 7-segment LCD characters.
MadAve - Display font like Solotype's Advertiser Light Gothic.
Torrance - 9-pin dot matrix printer Courier set. Accurate 10 cpi
and 6 lpi at 12 pt printing.
US-Bats - Outline maps of the states, US, patriotic symbols.

Call for information about Fonts Ink's current line, site licenses,
bundling licenses, resale licenses, and custom-made fonts.

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