Le Pochoir Creux font

Le Pochoir Creux

Font name: Le Pochoir Creux

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Le Pochoir Creux

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Toto: Le Pochoir Creux: 2011

Full font name: Le Pochoir Creux

Version: 1.0

Postscript font name: LePochoirCreux

Trademark notice: �Toto 2011

Manufacturer name: Toto

Description: This font is free for personal use. This is *NOT* a public domain font. This font should not be included in internet font archives without my permission. This font is allowed at abf, dafont and fontspace. All others must ask permission to have this font at their site. Email me if you want to include this font in your font archive. Fonts2u should not bother asking permission because I do not want my fonts at their site. I requested them to remove all my fonts from their site but they ignored it. If you see this font at fonts2u proves that fonts2u has no repect for people who create fonts, and the only thing important to them is the money they earn from their site. - Toto Kyusi, Pilipinas [email protected] August 12, 2011

mailto:[email protected]

This font is free for personal use and this font is *NOT* a public domain font. This font should not be included in internet font archives without my permission. Email me if you want to include this font in your font archive. - Toto [email protected]

mailto:[email protected]

Le Pochoir Creux


Le Pochoir Creux

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Le Pochoir Creux
Le Pochoir Creux
Le Pochoir Creux
Le Pochoir Creux
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