Theo Van Doesburg font

Theo Van Doesburg

Font name: Theo Van Doesburg

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Theo Van Doesburg

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: De Stijl

Full font name: Theo Van Doesburg

Version: 4.0

Postscript font name: TheoVanDoesburg

Trademark notice: Dise�o de Theo Van Doesburg por Gonzalo Carretero

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Theo Van Doesburg
Theo Van Doesburg

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Well dude, this is the Theo Van Doesburg Font. It's the alphabet that this guy, who founded the De Stijl magazine, designed in 1917.

This font is available in many websites, but you must pay for it.
'cause I love arts and the De Stijl Movement, i decide to create my own version of this alphabet. It's a lil' bit different from the original.

I'm still learning how to use the Macromedia Fontographer, maybe the font sucks because of my lack of ability to use this program.

Gonza Ramone
[email protected]

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