Tengwar-Gandalf font


Font name: Tengwar-Gandalf

Font style: Medium

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Basic font information

Font family: Tengwar-Gandalf

Font subfamily identification: Medium

Unique identifier: FontMonger:Tengwar Gandalf Medium

Full font name: Tengwar Gandalf Medium

Version: 001.001

Postscript font name: TengwarGandalfMedium

  • Styles
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Use of Tengwar-Gandalf.
The method for using this font is essentially that described in the appendices
to The Lord of the Rings. Almost all of the letters are the same as in the
book, with a few changes made for ease of use. The basic rules are as follows:

1. Vowels are written above the letter that follows them. In the word
'aggregate,' written thus:

the first 'a' is written above the first 'g', the 'e' is written above
it's following 'g' and the last 'a' is written above the following 't'.

2. A silent, or following 'e', is as in the word 'aggregate' above, is written
below the previous letter of the word. Therefore, in the above illustration,
the silent 'e' is written below the 't'. You can do this by typing
OPTION-e-SPACE for the silent 'e'.

3. Double letters, such as in 'aggregate' above, are written with a large flag,
or stripe, attached to the letter, or written above the letter (as in the
letters 's', 'w', 'z', etc.) in letters that don't have ascending or descending
stems. You can type a double letter by tying SHIFT-OPTION-letter.

4. Double vowels, such as in the word 'keep', are written with

5. Words that have multiple vowels that are side-by-side can cause problems.
In this case, the first letter is written with a descending stem, and the
second vowel is written as usual. Thus, the word 'scour' would be written
like this:

Notice that the 'o' is written with a stem below it, and the following 'u'
is written above the last letter, 'r'. This way, the vowels won't be printed
on top of each other on your screen or printer. Stemmed vowels are also
used to write free-standing letters, such as the 'a' in the sentence 'this
is a font'. To type a vowel with a stem under it, just type SHIFT-letter.

6. There are no 'capitalized' letters on this font. The SHIFT key is used
alone only to add stems to vowels, and, with the OPTION key, to signify a
double letter. When the SHIFT key is used alone, all letters but the vowels
remain the same.

7. Words that end in "s" are written with a small, curved flag attached to
the next-to-the-last letter. Thus, the word "hobbits" would be written
like this:

You can type the "following" "s" by typing OPTION-s.

Tengwar-Gandalf is freeware. Sort of. Well, actually, itUs postcardware.
All that I ask is that you send me a postcard with the following: one lawyer
joke, and one Hillary Clinton joke. As a medical student, I am very
interested in collecting both. You can send to postcards to the following

Michael S. Elliott
702 NE 14th
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

I'd also appreciate any comments that you might have about this font.
Include them on the postcard, or write me email at America Online at:

MikeE60369 (that's a zero, not a letter 'oh'). Enjoy!

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