Tasious font


Font name: Tasious

Font style: Tasious

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Basic font information

Font family: Tasious

Font subfamily identification: Tasious

Unique identifier: 1.000;pyrs;Tasious

Full font name: Tasious

Version: Version 1.0

Postscript font name: Tasious

Trademark notice: is a trademark of Afu S�nchez.

Manufacturer name: Javier Fuentes S�nchez

Designer: Afu S�nchez

Description: Creative Commons (cc) 2011 by Afu S�nchez. Some rights reserved. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/


By downloading this font package you agree to the following terms of use: - This FONT is FREEWARE for noncommercial use ONLY. - This FONT PACKAGE may be distributed ONLY via the Internet for FREE. Under NO circumstances may this FONT PACKAGE be sold for a profit nor be included as part of another product or CD-ROM compilation. If you wish to include this FONT PACKAGE for FREE distribution on your Web Site, please include the font and original documentation supplied with this FONT. - You may install and use this FONT PACKAGE on an unlimited amount of machines. - You may NOT rename, edit, or create any alternate variations of the fonts included in this FONT. - This FONT PACKAGE comes "as is" with NO warranty whatsoever. - AFU S�NCHEZ accepts NO responsibility for any damages or loss of any kind due to the use of this FONT PACKAGE. The use of this FONT is solely your responsibility -- you use this FONT at your own risk. If you have any question regarding this document or the usage of this font, feel free to contact us at [email protected] Thank you for downloading this font and enjoy!





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