Squarrel font


Font name: Squarrel

Font style: Rounded

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Basic font information

Font family: Squarrel

Font subfamily identification: Rounded

Unique identifier: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 Squarrel Rounded

Full font name: Squarrel Rounded

Version: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 2/4/1999

Postscript font name: SquarrelRounded

  • Styles
  • Charmap

Read more

This font was created by Parallax. It is intended
for free distribution and use in any medium or format,
but is not to be re-sold. I designed it
to make the world a better place, not to make your
wallet fatter.

Spruce up your CD jacket, website, or your term paper,
but please remember that this font, and all others designed
by Parallax, are (c)1999 David C. Lovelace.

Check out the Parallax website at: http://www.umop.com

Feed the starving fontmaker. Send donations to:

Dave Lovelace
P.O. Box 109
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Donations of $10 or more will earn a free copy of "umop apisdn,"
a full-length CD filled with the wildest techno/prog metal ever.

I would also love to see any publications/sites you
used one or more of my fonts to design! Please send me
a sample, or EMail links to me at: [email protected]

Thanks for helping Parallax design the future!

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