Roboto Condensed font

Roboto Condensed

Font name: Roboto Condensed

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Roboto Condensed

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Roboto Condensed

Full font name: Roboto Condensed

Version: Version 2.001201; 2014

Postscript font name: RobotoCondensed-Regular

Trademark notice: Roboto Condensed is a trademark of Google.

Designer: Google

Christian Robertson

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  • Styles
  • Charmap
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
Roboto Condensed
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