Pointers font


Font name: Pointers

Font style: Regular

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Font family: Pointers

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: FontMonger:Pointers

Full font name: Pointers

Postscript font name: Pointers

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FROM: Russ Rowlett
[email protected]

RELEASE: June 1995

Pointers is a font consisting entirely of bullet characters. Each bullet is a pointer: it can be used to point to the start of a line of text, or it can be used to connect a caption to a picture or diagram. For the latter purpose, it�s important to have each bullet available in four orientations -- pointing right, left, up or down. Therefore, Pointers includes each of its 46 bullet designs in all four orientations.

The designs include a wide variety of triangles, wedges, and arrows. There�s a style for every purpose, be it routine or fancy, serious or silly. The pointers can be used equally well at small sizes in text or for large size display on signs and posters.


You�ll find right-pointing bullets on every key except for the grave-accent key in the upper left corner of your keyboard.

Hold down the SHIFT key for UP pointers,
the OPTION key for LEFT pointers, and
SHIFT and OPTION together for DOWN pointers.

The arrows on the 1, 3, and period keys can be lengthened by using the bar located on the grave-accent key. For an example, try typing type grave-accent and then 3. Similarly, the arrow on the 2 key can be lengthed by using the heavy bar stored on the tilde (shift-grave) key.

The pointers on the 1, 2, 3, and period keys can also be used to make double-headed (right and left) arrows. For example, try typing option-3, then grave-accent, and then 3.

Pointers should be accompanied by a Microsoft Word (5.1 for Mac) document "Pointers chart," which includes a display of the 46 bullets and their key assignments.


(1) When you press the �accented-character� key combinations option-e, option-i, option-n, or option-u, nothing happens until you press another key. To obtain the up pointers corresponding to e, i, n, and u, first press option-e and then e (or option-i, then i; or option-n, then n; or option-u, then u). [In other words, the pointers are at the e-acute, i-circumflex, n-tilde, and u-umlaut locations.]

(2) The right and up pointers stored on the apostrophe key are not available in word processors if the �curly quotes� or �smart quotes� option is turned on. To get them you�ll need to turn the smart quotes off. Check your word processor documentation, if necessary.


This is freeware. It is not in the public domain. As an individual user, you
have permission to make copies of Pointers for all your kith and kin, provided you follow two rules: (1) all documentation files must be copied along with the font suitcase, and (2) nothing whatsoever can be charged for copies of the font. All other rights reserved.

I hope you use and enjoy the font. Comments via e-mail are very welcome.

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