Phobos font


Font name: Phobos

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Phobos

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: SP Phobos

Full font name: Phobos

Version: 1.0

Postscript font name: Phobos

  • Styles
  • Charmap

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############### Spacefish Productions Fonts #################
####### Phobos Copyright� 1999 Martin Holm #######
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| The font contained in this archive is a FREEware font. |
| You don't have to pay anything! It's Free! |
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| You're welcome to pass the Freeware version of this font along to |
| others, as long as you leave the zip-file with the font and the |
| text-files as it is. If you offer it to other people on your own |
| site, I would really like to hear from you, I'd really like to |
| know who offers the fonts from Spacefish Productions... |
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| From everyone who tries out the Spacefish Production Fonts, |
| please send some feedback to: [email protected] |
| |
| If you want to use the fonts for commercial uses or you want to |
| distribute them on CD-Roms and stuff like that then please tell |
| me about it first. You can send your mails to: |
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| [email protected] |
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| You are not allowed to sell this money or ask anyone for money |
| for it without the writen conscent of the font designer (yeah, |
| thats me...). |
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| By the way... If you for some reason would like to make a |
| donation to encourage me to continue making more free fonts, send |
| me an e-mail to the address below and I'll tell you the address |
| you should send it to. |
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| If you want to check out some of the other fonts we've made, try: |
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| Thank you. Enjoy! |
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| Martin Holm |
| [email protected] |
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