Silex Stencil font

Silex Stencil

Font name: Silex Stencil

Font style: Basic

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Basic font information

Font family: Silex Stencil

Font subfamily identification: Basic

Unique identifier: RussellMcGorman/OurHouseGraphics: Silex Stencil Basic: 2012

Full font name: Silex Stencil Basic

Version: Version 1.000

Postscript font name: SilexStencil-Basic

Trademark notice: Silex Stencil Basic is a trademark of Russell McGorman /Our House Graphics.

Manufacturer name: Russell McGorman /Our House Graphics

Designer: Russell McGorman / Our House Graphics (OHG)

Description: Copyright (c) 2010 by Russell McGorman /Our House Graphics. All rights reserved.

You may use this font as permitted by the EULA (end user license agreement) included with it to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Silex Stencil Basic is a free font. It is not an pen source font. As such, further to, in place of or in addition to some usage restrictions and permissions in the author's regular EULA for re-sale fonts the following restrictions and permissions apply: You may not re-distribute Silex Stencil Basic commercially. You may not post Silex Stencil Basic on free font distribution sites without the author's permission. You may not edit or copy Silex Stencil Basic's outlines or software. You may not use Silex Stencil Basic in advertising or in identity graphics for cigarettes, weapons, drugs (prescription or recreational), SUVs or genetically altered foods. You may not use Silex Stencil Basic in advertising or in identity graphics for any political or religious purpose without express written permission from the author. You may share Silex Stencil Basic with friend and colleges, however, you are encouraged to do so by sending them the link from which you downloaded the font. You may install Silex Stencil Basic on as many divices as you like. We at Our House Graphics would love to see what you do with Silex Stencil Basic. If email us an image of your work to [email protected], we'll send you the full version of Silex Black and a 50% off coupon for the Italic (or any other OHG font or font package.)

Silex Stencil


  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • Silex_Stencil_BasicSilex StencilOTF (52.7 Kb)
Silex Stencil
Silex Stencil
Silex Stencil
Silex Stencil
Silex Stencil
Silex Stencil
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