Luco Sans font

Luco Sans

Font name: Luco Sans

Font style: 923

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Basic font information

Font family: Luco Sans

Font subfamily identification: 923

Unique identifier: 1.000;pyrs;LucoSans400

Full font name: Luco Sans 923

Version: Version 1.000

Postscript font name: LucoSans-923

Trademark notice: Luco Sans 201 is a trademark of Lukas Bischoff.

Manufacturer name: Lukas Bischoff

Designer: Lukas Bischoff

Description: Copyright (c) 2009 by Lukas Bischoff. All rights reserved.

Luco Sans 923

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • artill_luco_sans_923Luco SansTTF (29.3 Kb)
Luco Sans
Luco Sans
Luco Sans
Luco Sans

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Thank you for downloading this font!

This font is copyright (c) LUKAS BISCHOFF //,
all rights reserved. Do not distribute without the author's permission.

Use this font for non-commercial use only! If you plan to use it for commercial purposes, contact me before doing so!

Have fun and enjoy!


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