Lettre Dans Le Decor font

Lettre Dans Le Decor

Font name: Lettre Dans Le Decor

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Lettre Dans Le Decor

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Toto: Lettre Dans Le Decor: 2011

Full font name: Lettre Dans Le Decor

Version: 1.001

Postscript font name: LettreDansLeDecor

Trademark notice: �Toto 2011

Manufacturer name: Toto

Description: This font is free for personal use. This is *NOT* a public domain font. This font should not be included in internet font archives without my permission. Email me if you want to include this font in your font archive. - Toto Kyusi, Pilipinas [email protected] May 8, 2011

mailto:[email protected]

This font is free for personal use and this font is *NOT* a public domain font. This font should not be included in internet font archives without my permission. Email me if you want to include this font in your font archive. - Toto [email protected]

mailto:[email protected]

Lettre Dans Le Decor


Lettre Dans Le Decor

  • Styles
  • Charmap
Lettre Dans Le Decor
Lettre Dans Le Decor
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