Index-Bold font


Font name: Index-Bold

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Index-Bold

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: OptimoSnc,Gavillet&Rust,Switzerland: Index-Bold: 2003

Full font name: Index-Bold

Version: Version 1.101;PS 001.001;Core 1.0.38

Postscript font name: Index-Bold

Trademark notice: Index Bold is a trademark of Optimo, Switzerland.

Manufacturer name: Optimo, Switzerland

Designer: Optimo, Switzerland

End User License Agreement (�EULA�) We would like to draw your attention on the following main points that characterize our EULA: 1. You purchase a License to install the Font Software on the number of computers which is specified in your End User�s Order. The License is only granted to End Users, which means that you cannot distribute, resell, deal, sub-license the Licensed Fonts to any third party. 2.You undertake not to copy or transfer the Licensed Fonts by any technical means to third parties. You must take all appropriate measures in order not to embed the Licensed Fonts or the Font Software in your documents. 3. You recognize our full intellectual property rights on the Font Software and on the Licensed Fonts, both as artwork and as software. This Agreement does not grant the End User any right to intellectual property rights in the Licensed Fonts and its associated trademarks. 4. The Font Software shall perform substantially in accordance with the installation information. 5. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms. 6. Swiss law applies to the EULA and all disputes shall be brought to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland.



Index Bold

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  • Index BoldIndex-BoldOTF (31.9 Kb)
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