HFF Modern Strand font

HFF Modern Strand

Font name: HFF Modern Strand

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: HFF Modern Strand

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: HFF: HFF Modern Strand: 2009

Full font name: HFF Modern Strand

Version: 1.0

Postscript font name: HFFModernStrand

Trademark notice: No treadmark found on HFF Modern Strand, a free font

Manufacturer name: Have Fun with Fonts

Designer: Have Fun with Fonts

Description: HFF Modern Strand is based on Strand, from page 77 of "Moderne Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts" by Dan X. Solo, first published by Dover Publications in 1999.

HFF Modern Strand


HFF Modern Strand

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HFF Modern Strand
HFF Modern Strand
HFF Modern Strand
HFF Modern Strand
HFF Modern Strand

Read more

HFF Modern Strand is based on Strand, from page 77 of
"Moderne Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts" by Dan X. Solo,
first published by Dover Publications in 1999.

HFF Modern Strand is a free font. You are free to use
this font in any way you want to. You can share this font
with others if you wished to.

Use freely, share freely and, most of all, enjoy the font.

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