HFF Hunts Deco font

HFF Hunts Deco

Font name: HFF Hunts Deco

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: HFF Hunts Deco

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: HaveFunwithFonts: HFF Hunts Deco: 2012

Full font name: HFF Hunts Deco

Version: 1.0 [28 January 2012]

Postscript font name: HFFHuntsDeco

Trademark notice: No treadmark found on HFF Hunts Deco, a free font

Manufacturer name: Have Fun with Fonts

Designer: Have Fun with Fonts

Description: HFF Hunts Deco is based on an alphabet designed by the Hunt Brothers.




HFF Hunts Deco


HFF Hunts Deco

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HFF Hunts Deco
HFF Hunts Deco
HFF Hunts Deco
HFF Hunts Deco

Read more

HFF Hunts Deco is based on an alphabet designed by the Hunt Brothers in
"Lettering of Today" published in 1935 and revised in 1941. The source
image labeled HB-LOT-27 came from the Hunt page of a Dutch Art Deco
Alphabets site.

HFF Hunts Deco is a free font. You are free to use this font in any way you
want to. You can share this font with others if you wished to. Use freely,
share freely and, most of all, enjoy the font.

You can get in touch with me by posting a message to alt.binaries.fonts or
click on the "Send a private message" button at

Have fun!

28 January 2012

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