Grammata font


Font name: Grammata

Font style: Normal

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Basic font information

Font family: Grammata

Font subfamily identification: Normal

Unique identifier: Font Creator 3.0 : GRAMMATA (Griego Cl�sico)

Full font name: GRAMMATA (WinGreek encoding)

Version: 7.0 Mi�rcoles 04 Diciembre 2002

Postscript font name: Grammata

Trademark notice: Freeware. GRAMMATA. Juan Jos� Marcos Garc�a Do not modify this font without any permission of the author. If you have any suggestion, please Email at [email protected]

Designer: Juan Jos� Marcos Garc�a. Plasencia. ESPA�A

Description: GRAMMATA Greek font has the classical Greek encoding used in the WinGreek and in the Son of WinGreek packages. This Greek font has been designed by Juan Jos� Marcos, born in Salamanca (Spain) in 1963, with a degree in Classical Philology, University of Salamanca (1986) and teacher of classical languages. In spite of designing a font takes a lot of time, I don`t ask money for this font, all I am asking is that you give me your opinion about the font, and let me know if you like it and if you will use it, etc. Finally, if you have any comments or queries, or you find out any mistake in the font, please email me at [email protected] THANKS.

[email protected]



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