Galilee Unicode Gk font

Galilee Unicode Gk

Font name: Galilee Unicode Gk

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Galilee Unicode Gk

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: RodneyJ.Decker: Galilee Unicode: 2004

Full font name: Galilee Unicode Gk

Version: Version 0.007 2004

Postscript font name: GalileeUnicodeGk

Trademark notice: Galilee Unicode is a trademark of Rodney J. Decker.

Manufacturer name: Rodney J. Decker

Designer: Rodney J. Decker

Description: Galilee Unicode is an orthotic, bicameral Greek font intended for use with koine/Hellenistic Greek. It is a Unicode font (developed from the [non-Unicode] Galilee font, which used the Latin keyboard [Greek glyphs assigned to Latin characters].) Designed to match the font metrics and general style of the Trebuchet font and optimized for use on screen or with a video projector and on the web. Fulll manual hinting (including delta hinting) is included for individual characters. The standard ASCII characters are also included for compatibility purposes (some programs "complain" if they do not find these characters present in a font). These are NOT intended for use and they do not necessarily match the overall style of the font. (They are simply the glyphs from the FontLab FreeSans font, reduced just slightly so as not to exceed the height of the Galilee glyphs.)

The Galilee Unicode Greek font, copyright �2004 by Rodney J. Decker, is freely available for non-commercial, academic purposes. It may *not* be sold or commercially distributed. The Galilee Unicode font (& font family when it becomes available) may not be renamed, modified, or used as a basis for another font. The font may be used in any academic paper, journal, or book, whether in paper or electronic copy. ("Non-commercial" above is not intended to prevent use in publication, only to prevent its sale as a font in any form.) The font is embeddable and may be freely included in .pdf files or other documents which enable a font to be embedded (including any forms of embedding or similar technology which enables use on a web page without being installed on the local machine). It may be used on publicly accessible web pages so long as a link to the font home page is provided for users to download the current version of the font. This font was originally developed to support the Internet resources provided for students at Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, USA, using software (FontLab, etc.) provided by the Seminary. One of the conditions for the provision of software and other resources for the font development project was that the resulting font be freely available as a service to the academic community.

Galilee Unicode Gk


Galilee Unicode Gk

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • GalileeU_Gk0_7Galilee Unicode GkTTF (97.9 Kb)
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