Flubber font


Font name: Flubber

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Flubber

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 Flubber

Full font name: Flubber

Version: Version 1.0 8/14/97

Postscript font name: Flubber

Trademark notice: http://www.latech.edu/~bmcgehee/untype/index.htm

Manufacturer name: UnAuthorized Type

Designer: Ben McGehee

Description: This version includes upper and lowercase letters, punctuation, and many international characters. I also included some UA Type dingbats (just to amuse myself, and so you don't get those annoying boxes when you type something that isn't in the font). Remember the "Absent-Minded Professor" from Disney? He accidently created this rubbery substance that bounced higher and higher and higher. He used it to make things fly. Well, I accidently dicovered the technique for making this font. And it has that rubbery - strechy look to it.


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You use this font in any way that you see fit. If you distribute it, I would like for the readme text file to accompany it. (That's just so they know who made it.) You may distribute it on CD, disk, or any other medium, but you may not sell it.

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • films.FLUBBER_FlubberTTF (66.5 Kb)

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