dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial font

dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

Font name: dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 dearJoe 3

Full font name: dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

Version: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 29-7-2008

Postscript font name: DearJoe5CASUALtrial

Manufacturer name: JOEBOB graphics

Designer: JOEBOB graphics

This is a trial version of the dearJoe 5 CASUAL font. It can be used in non-commercial projects only. This version features no special signs. The regular version features all special signs and is available on my website: Embedding of the font is prohibited.

dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • dahot.DJ5CTRIALdearJoe 5 CASUAL trialTTF (35.6 Kb)
dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial
dearJoe 5 CASUAL trial
Download zip file (3.4 Kb)526 views, 159 downloads