Bahij Zar font

Bahij Zar

Font name: Bahij Zar

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Bahij Zar

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Bahij Zar:Version 1.00

Full font name: Bahij Zar

Version: Version 1.00 November 15, 2012, initial release

Postscript font name: BahijZar

Trademark notice: Adobe Arabic is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Manufacturer name: Tiro Typeworks for Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Designer: Tim Holloway (Arabic) and Robert Slimbach (Latin)

Adobe Arabic


Adobe Arabic

Description: Bahij Zar is a font by Bahij Virtual Academy, redesigned by Dr.Abdul Hamid Bahij in 2012.

  • Styles
  • Charmap
  • Bahij Zar-RegularBahij ZarTTF (332.6 Kb)
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
Bahij Zar
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