Mojacalo AH font

Mojacalo AH

Font name: Mojacalo AH

Font style: Regular

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Basic font information

Font family: Mojacalo AH

Font subfamily identification: Regular

Unique identifier: Fontgrube: Mojacalo

Full font name: Mojacalo AH

Version: 1.00

Postscript font name: MojacaloAH

Trademark notice:

Manufacturer name: Fontgrube AH

Designer: Andreas H�feld

Description: Mojacalo. It is 35 degrees Celsius in the shade as I write these lines. Imagine with me a strange mediterranean country, the glaring sunlight and the heat of the day are still on those little white square houses of the village on the hill, as fishing boats return from a deep blue sea. There is music somewhere in the distance. A few crickets on the harbour pavement vie with it. On a sign, written in the strange and intriguing style of this font, it says something like: "Guided tours March through September: 10, 12, 14 and 16h" or "Airport shuttles for all-inclusive travelers: please check Thomas Cook folder at the information desk".

mailto:[email protected]

You can use this font for free and for anything you like, except for Nazi (even Font-Nazi), sexist or other discriminatory propaganda. You may pass on unaltered copies of this font, as long as you don't charge money for it and do not separate it from the file which contains description and license information. You may change it but you are not allowed to pass on these changed copies. If you want to put it on web site email me for my okay before you do. If you want to put it on a CD you'll have to send me a specimen copy. Postal address will be mailed after email request.

  • Styles
  • Charmap
Mojacalo AH
Mojacalo AH
Mojacalo AH
Mojacalo AH
Mojacalo AH
Mojacalo AH
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